So long story short, new job = amazing. Though my goodness, the commute is awful. Auckland has, to put it nicely, a very limited train system. I spend 3 hours a day just going to and from work so the prospect of driving in next year is awesome. In the meanwhile I am getting tonnes of books read.
So in amongst my week I have had some awesome moments.
Flavoured teas: Mottletop Cafe has the most amazing Mojito tea, its like drinking sunshine. I am also currently into "Christmas Surprise" tea. Its a bit tannin-y but its full of tangy citrus and cloves, gets me through a long day. |
Lazy Amy Cookies: The quickest cookies ever. Literally 4 ingredients: 2 Bananas, 1 Cup of Oats, 1 Tsp Vanilla Essence and 1/2 Cup Raisins. 180 degrees in the oven till crisp. I have been eating these all week. |
After having my hair styled and office-y all week this weekend I have been embracing the natural look. I also have been contemplating what to do with my hair next: ombre, fringe, lighter, darker, layers..? - so many ideas! |
Summer = fruit. I love this time of year. Lately I have been bingeing on pomegranate, cherries and berries. I barely eat anything else. |
I made a huge batch of vege lasagne to freeze for lunches. Batch cooking is so practical! I will be posting the recipe later in the week. |
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