
Recipe: Chilli Coconut Pumpkin

Pumpkin has always been one of my favourite foods. I think this is because when I was a baby I was weaned on pumpkin puree.There are many a picture of my toddler self completely covered in orangy-pumpkin-ness, with a massive smile on my little face. This love of pumpkin has continued throughout my life, and I love it in its many forms - roasted, in soups, purees, lasagnas and stewed.

Earlier in the week I made a massive bunch of chilli coconut stewed pumpkin. Its such a simple amazing dish and its great, both alone, and on the side of something else. Its also vegan friendly (yay!).

Ingredients (serves 4):
1/2 pumpkin
2 cups of spinach
1/3 cup desiccated coconut
1 tsp minced ginger
1 tsp chilli paste

Chop pumpkin into large bite-sized pieces and (just) cover with water. Simmer on low until partially soft. Drain half water and add spinach, coconut, ginger and chilli, simmering for a further 2 minutes. Serve alone, with quinoa or as a side dish.

Enjoy! Q.S.B.

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