Creamy Tomato Pasta (GF, DF, V)

Today I had a very fun and productive trip to the local farmers market. I can promise lots of amazing veggie packed meals up on the blog soon, this being one of them. I went slightly spinach crazy when shopping and got two huge bags of fresh baby greens and decided to utilize them in the best way I know; very lightly wilted in pasta.

This pasta is a tweaked version of a delicious recipe I found on pinterest but I have altered it to work for me. Its a great plant based protein boost and has a gorgeous creamy flavour and consistency, its also incredibly easy and quick to whip up. I used kelp noodles this time but have also used mung bean spaghetti and spiralized zucchini its up to you what you want to use.

Ingredients (Makes 4-8)

1/2 head of cauliflower (sliced small)
1 tbsp coconut oil (heated)
2 small/medium shallots
1 garlic clove (minced)
1 can of organic butter beans (well washed)
1/2 cup vegetable stock
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 spoon apple cider vinegar
1 tsp miso
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
black pepper
2 cups spinach
10-15 small sundried tomatoes, diced

kelp noodles or zucchini pasta 
optional: sunflower seeds


Heat your oven to 180 degrees calcius while finely dicing the shallots, place the cauliflower, oil, shallots and garlic in a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Thinly spread on a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes, or until soft. Remove from the oven and place in blender, along with beans, stock, almond milk, nutritional yeast, vinegar, miso and spices. Blend the mixture until smooth and creamy, adding more almond milk in necessary. 

Wilt and spinach in a pan by adding 1/4 cup of water, bringing to a boil and stirring in spinach for no more than 2 minutes. Mix in tomatoes, pasta and sauce and bring to a hot temperature. Serve topped with sunflower seeds, enjoy.


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  3. التنظيف بالبخار: مزايا وأخطاء يجب تجنبها
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  4. مزايا هذه الطريقة عديدة ، ومع ذلك شركة مكافحة حشرات برابغ ، يجب عليك أيضًا الانتباه جيدًا أثناء هذه العملية ، حيث لا يمكن تنظيف أي ركن من المنزل بالبخار ، خاصة في ظروف معينة. دعونا نرى ما هي شركة تنظيف خزانات برابغ مزايا وعيوب هذا النظام وما هي الأخطاء التي يجب تجنبها!

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    تنظيف المنزل بالبخار هو طريقة بسيطة وفعالة لتعقيم المنزل. شركة تنظيف خزانات بخليص تختلف مزايا هذه الطريقة ، في الواقع ، باستخدام منظف بالبخار ، من الممكن:
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    تنظيف ألعاب الأطفال والمعدات الطبية (مثل آلة الأيروسول) وطاولة التغيير شركة تنظيف خزانات بعسفان دون خطر التلوث بالمنتجات الضارة بالطفل ؛
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