
A short guide to being organized for the not-so-neat

As a child I was never a particularly organized person. I loved the colour and mess of life and whole heartily embraced the beauty of chaos. I was definitely not a 'Type A".

When I was 17 I moved countries to work and study overseas which was a brilliant and fulfilling experience and I realised, in order to survive, I needed to pay bills, organize schedules for work and study and stay neat to keep track of things. My initial experience of attempting to be organized was not positive, I followed other peoples ideas (who were often naturally very administrative) and what worked for them rather than listening to what worked for my mind and lifestyle. As I have grown in myself more I have found a way to stay organized that resonates with my personality and lifestyle. I thought I'd share some tips for you free birds out there who want to keep a little order in your beautiful chaos.

1) Get cute planning stationary that works for you

I learned the hard way that its better to invest in planning stationary that you really like and has the perfect functionality for what you need. I personally love kiki-k's smaller diaries because they fit in my handbag and I keep mine there all week, except for my Sunday evenings where I sit down and (try to) hash out my week. Mine also has stickers, which motivates the child inside of me to get some planning done.

2) Stay decluttered

I am never going to be the person who has a perfect spot for everything but in saying that, being an artistic person, I love the aesthetics of a neat and clean room. I love using big ethnic wicker baskets and wooden cubes for storage of books, papers and knick knacks and cute teacups as makeup and pen holders. They keep things simple and easy to keep in order.

3) Its about the end point, there are multiple journey's

In terms of goal setting, I used to find it a really stressful process to hash out what I wanted and needed for the weeks, months and years ahead but recently I finished the book The Desire Map, which really changed the way I look at goal setting. Now I am learning to set my goals in life around my core desired feelings rather than haphazard details that have no connectivity.

4) Breathe

Often when my life gets chaotically messy and overwhelming its because I have put myself and my needs on the back burner. Don't do it! It's not worth it. If you take time to re-center and sort out your want's and needs in life its much easier to stay on track and keep organized.

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