
Tea Time: Zealong - the ultimate Oolong tea

Today some dear friends of mine and I journeyed to the beautiful Waikato to enjoy the beauty of some of my favourite gardens and sample some gorgeous tea in the Zealong Tea Camellia Tea House. It was pretty close to a perfect day: nature, friendship and tea.

Hamilton Botanic Gardens: Playing Juliet in the Italian Renaissance Garden 

Zealong tea, an organic homegrown Oolong tea, is made using a mixture of traditional and modern methods and it is some of the highest quality tea I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying. While in the tea house my friends and I tried their three main Oolong varieties: Pure, Aromatic and Dark. 

The beautiful Zealong tea estate: so green and fresh
How Oolong is manufactured
Oolong teas: (From Left) Pure and Dark
 All the tea varieties are premium quality - with unique delicious flavours, but my favourite is the Pure variety. This is similar to a very fragrant, sweet yellow tea. The scent is beautiful, characterised by a very delicate sweet flavour. This variety is a must try for tea lovers, especially appreciators of green tea.

So a big thumbs up for Zealong tea and their unique Camellia tea house: beautiful atmosphere, wonderful service and experience, and outstanding tea.

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